Это список всех ответов об ошибках, возвращаемых API.
См. также: документация по объекту Error JSON
Недавние ошибки API перечислены на странице вашей учетной записи для удобства отладки.
Статус HTTP | Код ошибки | Сообщение об ошибке |
503 | -3 | Workers overloaded. Additional workers are being spawned - they should be online in a couple of minutes. |
503 | -10 | Internal timeout, please try again |
401 | 1001 | Couldn't find the API Id specified: '[apiId]' |
401 | 1002 | Sorry, that API Key has been disabled |
401 | 1003 | Your account has been suspended due to abuse. Contact admin@vectorizer.ai to have it reinstated. |
401 | 1004 | The provided API Secret is incorrect |
400 | 1005 | Missing image parameter |
400 | 1016 | Missing image file parameter, but it's present as a string parameter. Be sure to read the image file when uploading, and not just submitting the filename. |
400 | 1006 | Failed to read the supplied image. |
402 | 1008 | Sorry, you need to have an API subscription to process production or preview images. Please either sign up for an API subscription or use 'mode=test'. Note that if you're already signed up for a subscription, then it's a regular subscription without API access. See https://vectorizer.ai/pricing |
402 | 1010 | Sorry, your subscription is past due. Please update your payment method to continue using the service. |
402 | 1011 | Sorry, you're out of credits. Please upgrade your subscription or renew your plan early. |
413 | 1012 | Image byte size too large, max: 31,457,280 bytes |
413 | 1013 | Sorry, the supplied image is 100,000,000 pixels, max is 33,554,432 pixels, which gets shrunk to 3,145,828 pixels (or your supplied maxPixels) - please pre-shrink your images to the latter size before uploading. |
429 | 1015 | Slow down, see https://vectorizer.ai/api#rate-limiting for how to handle this situation. |
429 | 1017 | After preparing your API submission for processing, there wasn't enough time left to start the vectorization. This can be caused either by an extremely slow image.url fetch, and/or our servers being severely overloaded. If you did use the image.url parameter, then please ensure your image host is fast and reliable, then try again. If you did not use the image.url parameter, then please try again in 60 seconds. |
400 | 1019 | API parameter error: . Parameters received: |
400 | 1020 | The URL provided did not return a 200 OK status code |
400 | 1021 | The URL provided did not return an image content type |
400 | 1022 | There was an exception fetching the URL provided. IllegalArgument: 'Example', URL: 'https://example.com' |
400 | 1022 | There was an exception parsing the URL provided: 'https://example.com' |
400 | 1023 | Sorry, the supplied parameters would produce in a 100.0 megapixel PNG result, which exceeds the max of 40.0. |